Types Of Oil

Types Of Oil

Types of Oil

There are four main types of engine oil used in cars

High Mileage Oil

This blend is for vehicles that have been driven for a long time, typically over 75,000 miles. Today’s cars are built to run for miles and miles, but even the best engines will wear down over time. Higher mileage engines tend to burn oil faster and this blend reduces that burn as well as improve the seals in the engine’s combustion chamber. A better seal ensures better compression, contributing to better gas mileage.

Conventional Oil

If you’re not sure what type of oil is currently in your car, odds are it’s this. It is recommended for cars with lower mileage and average commuting schedules.

Synthetic Oil

There are a lot of myths and false information out there about synthetic oil, and whether you should put it in your car or not. The fact is, there is no better way to know what your car needs than to consult its make and model manual. If you don’t have it, look for the information online. Synthetic has been formulated for long-lasting quality, enhanced flow and resistance to heat buildup. Full synthetic oil tends to be more expensive than conventional oil, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for your car. High-performance vehicles or advanced engines tend to use synthetic.

Synthetic Blend Oil

Just as you’d expect, this blend mixes synthetic with conventional oil. It’s less expensive than synthetic alone and used for vehicles that take on high loads, such as trucks and SUVs. It improves fuel economy by reducing oil loss and evaporation.

Written by ACA Automotive